There are millions of ways that I can interpret who am I and who you are. It begins with how much you believe in yourself. There are two answers; one is limited and the other unlimited.
“Limited answer” is the answer given by an individual and seeks to know all or some of your history. E.g. Your name, age, sex, country you come from and what type of character you are. Naturally it’s very common that everyone wants to seek these answers regardless if it’s relevant or irrelevant.
The “unlimited answer” is the answer given by an individual and perceives only 3 things in common:
1. All of us are born.
2. All of us die
3. During those two vital moments that reflects everyone, we live at place called earth.
Having these three statements we can say that almost everyone answers the limited one. I believe if someone practices- let’s say- love on him , he will know what love as an emotion is , he will continuity love himself ,his love day by day will expand. If you apply this method on you, you will be surprised to know how harmonious you turn out to be.
Clarify was a word that when I first heard it I didn’t knew its meaning. It’s actually a vital description of an act to free from ambiguity (as it says in the dictionary).
If it really matters to you these are opinions of an Armenian-Cypriot, 19 year old, male who believes in anarchy, existentialism individualism and many more...
By Dicko
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