MR. MARTIN: Excuse me, madam, but it seems to me, unless I'm mistaken, that I've met you somewhere before.
MRS. MARTIN: I, too, sir. It seems to me that I've met you somewhere before.
MR. MARTIN: Was it, by any chance, at Manchester that I caught a glimpse of you, madam?
MRS. MARTIN: That is very possible. I am originally from the city of Manchester. But I do not have a good memory, sir. I cannot say whether it was there that I caught a glimpse of you or not!
MR. MARTIN: Good God, that's curious! I, too, am originally from the city of Manchester, madam!
! [...]
MR. MARTIN: Dear madam, were you not the lady who asked me to place her suitcase in the luggage rack and who thanked me and gave me permission to smoke?
MRS. MARTIN: But of course, that must have been I, sir. How curious it is, how curious it is, and what a coincidence!
MR. MARTIN: How curious it is, how bizarre, what a coincidence! And well, well, it was perhaps at that moment that we came to know each other, madam?
MRS. MARTIN: How curious it is and what a coincidence! It is indeed possible, my dear sir! However, I do not believe that I recall it.
MR. MARTIN: Nor do I, madam. Since coming to London, I
have resided in Bromfield Street, my dear lady.
MRS. MARTIN: How curious that is, how bizarre! I, too, since coming to London, I have resided in Bromfield Street,
my dear sir.
MR. MARTIN: How curious that is, well then, well then, perhaps we have seen each other in Bromfield Street, my
dear lady.
MRS. MARTIN: How curious that is, how bizarre! It is indeed possible, after all! But I do not recall it, my dear sir.
MR. MARTIN: I reside at No. 19, my dear lady.
MRS. MARTIN: How curious that is. I also reside at No. 19, my dear sir.
MR. MARTIN: Well then, well then, well then, well then, perhaps we have seen each other in that house, dear lady?
MRS. MARTIN: It is indeed possible but I do not recall it, dear sir.
MR. MARTIN: My flat is on the fifth floor, No.8, my dear lady.
MRS. MARTIN: How curious it is, good Lord, how bizarre! And what a coincidence! I too reside on the fifth floor, in flat No.8, dear sir!
MR. MARTIN: How curious it is, how curious it is, how curious it is, and what a coincidence! You know, in my bedroom there is a bed, and it is covered with a green eiderdown. This room, with the bed and the green eiderdown, is at the end of the corridor between the w.c. and the bookcase, dear lady!
MRS. MARTIN: What a coincidence, good Lord, what a coincidence! My bedroom, too, has a bed with a green eiderdown and is at the end of the corridor, between the w.c., dear sir, and the bookcase!
MR. MARTIN: How bizarre, curious, strange! Then, madam, we live in the same room and we sleep in the same bed, dear lady. It is perhaps there that we have met
MRS. MARTIN: How curious it is and what a coincidence! It is indeed possible that we have met there, and perhaps even last night. But I do not recall it, dear sir!
MR. MARTIN: I have a little girl, my little daughter, she lives with me, dear lady. She is two years old, she's blonde, she has a white eye and a red eye, she is very pretty, her name is Alice, dear lady.
MRS. MARTIN: What a bizarre coincidence! I, too, have a little girl. She is two years old, has a white eye and a red eye, she is very pretty, and her name is Alice, too, dear sir!
MR. MARTIN: How curious it is and what a coincidence! And bizarre! Perhaps they are the same, dear lady!
MRS. MARTIN: How curious it is! It is indeed possible, dear sir.
MR. MARTIN: Then, dear lady, I believe that there can be no doubt about it, we have seen each other before and you are
my own wife. ..Elizabeth, I have found you again!
MRS. MARTIN: Donald, it's you, darling!